
Create snapshot

$ virsh snapshot-create-as [vmname] snapshot1 "Before installation" --disk-only --atomic

Start and stop


$ virsh start [vmname]

Stop (forcibly)

$ virsh destroy [vmname]

ACPI events

  • Reboot
$ virsh reboot [vmname]
$ sudo su - stack -c "virsh reboot undercloud"
  • Shutdown
$ virsh shutdown [vmname]

Configure libvirt pool

Create a libvirt persistent pool and start it:

$ virsh pool-define-as --type=dir --name=default --target=/var/lib/libvirt/images
$ virsh pool-autostart default
$ virsh pool-start default

/var/lib/libvirt/images is where QEMU QCOW images will be stored, so make sure this directory is attached to a file system with sufficient storage.

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