




  • Aodh, provides alarms and notifications based on metrics
  • Bifrost, automates the task of deploying a base image on baremetal using Ironic
  • Ceilometer, is a component of the Telemetry project. Its data can be used to provide customer billing, resource tracking, and alarming capabilities
  • Cinder provides “block storage as a service”
  • Designate provides "DNS as a service"
  • Glance provides a service where users can upload and discover data assets that are meant to be used with other services
  • Gnocchi is a multi-tenant timeseries, metrics and resources database
  • Heat is a service to orchestrate composite cloud applications using a declarative template format
  • Horizon is the canonical implementation of OpenStack’s Dashboard
  • Ironic provisions bare metal (as opposed to virtual) machines by leveraging common technologies such as PXE boot and IPMI
  • Keystone provides Identity, Token, Catalog and Policy services
  • Magnum offers container orchestration engines for deploying and managing containers
  • Manila provides “Shared Filesystems as a service”.
  • Mistral provides a mechanism to define tasks and workflows without writing code, manage and execute them
  • Murano combines an application catalog with versatile tooling to simplify and accelerate packaging and deployment
  • Nova provides power massively scalable, on demand, self service access to compute resources
  • Neutron provides “network connectivity as a service” between interface devices (e.g., vNICs)
  • Swift is a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store
  • Tempest is an integration test suite
  • Trove provides "database as a service"
  • Zaqar is a multi-tenant cloud messaging and notification service for web and mobile developers

Infrastructure components

  • Ceph implementation for Cinder, Glance and Nova
  • Openvswitch and Linuxbridge backends for Neutron
  • MongoDB as a database backend for Ceilometer and Gnocchi
  • RabbitMQ as a messaging backend for communication between services.
  • HAProxy and Keepalived for high availability of services and their endpoints.
  • MariaDB and Galera for highly available MySQL databases
  • Heka A distributed and scalable logging system for openstack services.

OpenStack Infra projects

  • Shade dlient library for interacting with OpenStack clouds

OpenStack modules



Dynamic enrollment

$ BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=~/baremetal.json ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/ enroll-dynamic.yaml


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